english deutsch
Ground Zero, Metal Storm: 2380, Transformers
Bubblegum Crisis
Bubblegum Conundrum, Bubblegum Crisis Megatoyko 2033 - The Roleplaying , Bubblegum Crisis Roleplaying Game Super Site, Bubblegum Crossfire, Kristopher Bachman's Bubblegum Crisis RPG Hom
Project Pegasus, Section 7, The Stuff Heroes are Made Of
Dragon Ball Z
Frumpar's Lair O' Doom: Dragon Ball Z RP, Notes and Analysis on: Dragon Ball Z - The Anime A, R. Talsorian: Dragon Ball Z, RPGnet
Usagi Yojimbo
Gold Rush Games: Usagi Yojimbo, RPGnet Review of Usagi Yojimbo
Background and rules for campaigns based on the "Alien" movie franchise.
Alpha / Omega
A cinematic game of men made gods, where aliens and dimensional travelers come and go, humans can make a difference with the power at their command, and almost every decision is one of life and death. All that power and all that responsibility - can you make the right choice?
Atomik Fuzion
Atomik Fuzion is the site for you to find a plethora of Fuzion Plug-Ins. They range from race creation to intense combat. A definite must see for the Fuzion player / GM.
Bob's Fuzion Page
Contains original plug-ins for magic and super-vehicles.
this site contains rule modifications and plugins for Fuzion, some support materials for commercial Fuzion products, campaign information, and the occasional flying muffin.
The host of Cybershards PBEM, Dawn of Legends Fantasy Fuzion setting, Birthright Fantasy Fuzion setting, The Foundation Chronicles super hero setting using the Jumpstart Super Fuzion rules.
Fuzion Search
About.com Fuzion category.
Nephilim's Song
The framework for a far future campaign where all the technology is organic and the spirits are real.
Section 7
A covert operations campaign setting for Fuzion.
Official site for Sengoku: Chanbara Roleplaying in Feudal Japan, the historical samurai adventure game from Gold Rush Games.
Serena Dawn
A Alien Fuzion campaign setting.
Sixten Otto's Fuzion Material
A Fuzion conversion of the Hero System's Ultimate Martial Arts rules, and graphic badges for webpages.
Symbiote War
My Fuzion campaign based in a modern world where conspiracies and spirits are biginning to emerge into the light of day.
The Fuze
Contains a mailing list and setting downloads.
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Things that go bump in the night is a conspiracy setting for the Fuzion Game system. It uses the Instant Fuzion rules.
The most comprehensive list of Web links to Fuzion plug-ins. Covers Mecha, Vehicles, Superpowers, Cybernetics, Magic, Martial Arts, Psionics and Miscellaneous