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Includes review, news, downloads, screen shots, and movies.
Reviewed by Mark Walker. Score: 51/100
"Expect that this premier take on Farscape as a video game will be just a start of interactive escapades centering around Crichton and his cronies." Coverage of E3 by Andy Eddy with screen shots.
The Adrenaline Vault
Interview with Diane Strack, senior producer of Simon and Schuster and Alan McDairmant, senior producer of Red Lemon conducted by David Laprad.
The Adrenaline Vault
Reviewed by Bob Mandel. Includes screen shots. Score: 2/5
The Armchair Empire
"Whatever the case, Farscape looks like it is really going to give it a go at embracing a tried and true gameplay formula and add a few tweaks here and there to keep the experience fresh." Article by Mr Nash with screen shots.