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Armchair Empire
Review by Doug Flowe with score [6/10] and screen shots.
Cloudchaser Sony
"Capcom definitely has something good on there hands, and I hope that gamers realize that." Review written by Jeff Downs with screen shots and video.
Maximo is a really entertaining 3D platformer with very few rough edges. [8/10]
Game Revolution
"Maximo: Ghosts to Glory is a great next-gen trip down memory lane. It looks good and had some fun enemies to trounce. But if you're not from the old school, make sure you rent before running outside in your best pair of boxers." Review by G-Wok with score.
"Maximo is highly recommended for anyone looking for a great dose of old school action or just plain great action period. You get everything from a damsel in distress to level after level of evil ghouls, and you don't have to beat the game twice to see the ending." Review by Tokyo Drifter.
Gamer's Hell
Review, with screen shots. Score: 8 out of 10.
"Maximo's repertoire of moves is nothing to scoff at when compared with other games in its genre, but things can still become repetitive." Review by Shane Satterfield with screen shots.
Review by Hector Guzman, with screen shots. Score: 90 out of 100.
"Maximo: Ghosts to Glory offers up a great mix of cutting audio/visual splendor with tried and true platforming game play." Review by Richie Pattinian with overall score [86].
"Maximo: Ghosts to Glory is everything I hoped for and a whole lot more." Reviewed by Louis Bedigian with screen shots.
Gaming Age
"A challenge is good. But there are cheap deaths-a-plenty in Maximo. If players miss a platform jump in lava or sludge, Maximo dies, rather than lose a piece of armor." Review by Marcus Lai with score [B].
"Maximo: Ghosts to Glory is the kind of action-platform game that every console system used to have and still should have in its library." Review by Douglass C. Perry.
Into Liquid Sky
"It's nice to have a platformer with some challenge and a reason to play it over and over again (especially if you want unlock some of the hidden specials, like game art)." Review by Kinderfeld.
Maxim Online
"When Maximo loses his shirt in battle, he's literally stripped to his skivvies, and even upon his death he can still negotiate with the Grim Reaper for extra lives." Reviewed by Alex Porter.
"This is a game so polished, large in scope, demanding in nature, and fun to play, that it finally delivers a video game first - this is a remake that more than fills the boots of its original. Platforming game perfection, that's as tough as old boots, too." Review by Hector Guzman with screen shots.
PSX Nation
"If what you want is a challenging fun platformer, look no further." Written by Joey Gray with screen shots.
"Upon starting the game, you're immediately greeted by an interactive environment of timed ground upheavals, angry flame walls, and noisy steam pillars. It's as if you've landed in a twisted version of every Disneyland ride put together." Review by Miguel Concepcion with score [4/5].
"Maximo has a very distinct look; each character has a deformed appearance that makes even the undead zombies you'll fight look cute." Article by Chris Leyton.