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Cheats and Hints
Cheating Planet
Reviews and Previews
PlayStation 2, Windows
Contains screenshots and wallpaper.
Giants Map Manager
Download of utility to play multiplayer games on custom maps.
Giants World Domination
Includes Giants Map Manager, maps, manual, patches, skins, gameplay guides, cheats, command list, FAQ, artwork, and forum.
Giants X-Treme
Features news, giants' history, cheats, downloads including skins, tools, and maps, and forum.
Kabuto Online
Offers daily news, strategies, tactics, game information, and cheats and hints.
Loop Goose Giants Skies
Includes downloads of music and background skies.
Planet Moon Central
News, game information, characters, tips, walkthrough, downloads including modifications, editing tips, fan works, forum, and chat.
Planet Moon Studios: Giants - Citizen Kabuto
Official site, with character profiles, concept art, and patches.
Vimp Meat
Contains server information and news.