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Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Colonel
GameFAQs, GameSpot, GameSpy GBA
Mega Man Battle Network 5 - Team Protoman
GameSpot, GameSpy GBA, Nintendo Insanity
Mega Man Network Transmission
GamerDad, GamesFirst, GameSpot, GameSpy, GameSpy - Megaman Network Transmission, Gaming Nexus, NetJak
Reviews and Previews
GamesFirst - Mega Man Battle Network 3 White, GameSpy - Mega Man Battle Network 2, GameSpy - Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue and Whit, GameSpy - Megaman Battle Network 3, GameZone - Mega Man Battle Network 3 White
Battle Network Online
Contains gallery of Navis, with forum.
eLook - Megaman Battle Network 2
Offers hints and secrets.
GameSpot - Mega Man Battle Network
Offers information, a review, previews, news, movies, and cheats.
GameSpot - Mega Man Battle Network 2
Offers information, a review, news, movies, and cheats.
GameSpy.com: Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun /
Reviewed by Darryl Vassar. Includes screen shots. Score: 3 out of 5.
Mega Man Battle Network 2
Capcom's official site. Includes screen shots and game features.