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GameSpy DS
Preview, by Phil Theobald: "Seeing your drawings come to life and being able to direct their movements is definitely cool to see, and the simplicity of moving around and eating ghosts is certainly enjoyable."
GameSpy DS
Review, by Phil Theobald: "Pac-Pix is fun to toss in for a few minutes at a time, but its allure wears off during extended play periods." [Score: 3 out of 5]
Review, by midwinter: "A simple, expressive challenge that hides its hidden depth under a welcoming exterior of warm nostalgia and high tech cool." [Score: 9 out of 10]
Preview, by Craig Harris: "The game has changed slightly in its evolutionary development cycle since its debut several months ago."
Review, by Simon Dominguez: "...it's a beautiful, magical experience, but at the same time it's one of the shortest console games we've ever seen - if you don't love it enough to play it to destruction, chances are it'll be back in the shop in a week." [Score: 7 out of 10]