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Computer Games Online
Review by Dave Perkins, 4.5/5. "Teamwork at its best."
Firing Squad
Review by Jakub Wojnarowicz, 93%. "Allegiance could possibly spawn an entire new genre. ... For the casual gamer, Allegiance finally gives you a space shooter that's fun to play in multiplayer."
Future Games Network
Review by Adam Ireland, C+. "By spreading themselves too thin, and trying to combine too many elements into a single title, Microsoft has relegated what could have been a great game, into one replete with multiplayer mediocrity."
Game Over
Review by Lee Donowitz, 85%. "That's what really separates Allegiance from your average space combat title, each and every ship you come across is piloted by another human player."
Game Revolution
Review by Johnny B, B. "If you've got the money for the indefensible monthly charge, and if you have a passion for propaganda, then propel yourself to the place of purchasing and purchase this product."
Review by Dustin Roberts, 86%. "Allegiance is a must-have for space combat sim fans - as long as they can overlook the lack of a single-player game."
Review by Rob Cummings, 91%. "It may take some time to master and feel comfortable with the controls and movement, but the combination of genres ... makes it worth the effort."
Glide Underground
Review by Paul Scherbak, 4.5/5. "This game, while offering no single player except for a limited (but helpful) tutorial, leaves some memorable moments."
Review by Stephen Butts, 82%. "If you've got the patience to become familiar with all the controls, and you're willing to work within the framework of a team, and you've got the chance to train and drill with a squad, then Allegiance can be very rewarding."
Make It Simple
Review by Rob Garret, 87%. "Hopefully, players who aren't normally drawn to space-sims or real-time strategy will give the game a chance. They won't regret it."
Review by Justin Bracken, 80%. "If you can overcome the initial frustration in grasping the ins and outs of Allegiance, you'll be rewarded with a game that's compelling, exciting, and a lot of fun to play."
PC Gameworld
Review by John Misak, 91%. "If this is the wave of the future for multiplayer games, I can't wait to see what's ahead."
Strategy Gaming Online
Review by Jeff Morris, 88%. "As an evolution of the recently conceived genre of multiplayer only games, it is a resounding success."
The Adrenaline Vault
Review by Nick Stewart, 4.5/5. "Real-time strategy, intense space combat, intellectual battle tactics and cooperative teamwork are all elements that play major roles in the unfolding of this experience, but it's not this combination that's so surprising; it's that they're combined so well."