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Bootlace's Java Elite, Elite - The New Kind, Elite - The New Kind - GP32 Port, Elite 3D Rendering Engine, Elite for EMACS, Jasper Java Elite Emulator, Java Spectrum Emulator - Elite, Mark Follett's EliteGL, Mostly Harmless
8-Bit Software: Elite
Contains a description of every BBC Microcomputer version of the game and a review by Crispin Boylan.
Elite Space Travel
A randomly generated tour of systems, with a chance of entering witch space. Requires Internet Explorer or Mozilla 5+.
GameSpy: Hall Of Fame
History and game overview by Bryn Williams.
Ian Bell's Elite Pages
Co-developer's pages, which include a flight manual, version information, FAQ, Text Elite, fiction, Elite The Musical, and an archive containing the executables and source code for most release versions of Elite.
Mark Rowan's Elite
Contains introduction, hints, and tips for Elite, ArcElite downloads including utilities, and Elite-A description and download.
NES World
Interview with Ian Bell. Discusses NES version development and release.
The Acorn Elite Pages
A collection of hints and tips, resources, technical information, and fiction.
The Micro User: Guide To Playing Elite
Includes instructions and tips on instrumentation, flight, docking, strategy, provisions, and combat.
Your Spectrum: Elitism
Feature by David Bishop, including tips on launching, combat, ranks, and trading for Sinclair Spectrum Elite.
Zzap!64: Commodore 64
Review by Bob Wade, 97%. "I played this game for six hours at my first sitting and was only dragged away from it then by fatigue and wanting to tell everyone about it." Includes gameplay tips and an original photograph of the developers.