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Computer Games Online
Review by David Ryan Hunt, 3.5/5. "When everything is said and done, Terminus comes out looking-and feeling-good."
Game Vortex
Review by Phil Bordelon, 8.5/10. "You'll find yourself entertained as you play, embroiled in an interesting plot and exploring the known solar system."
Review by Darth Binky, 85%. "Terminus can be a fun experience for those who are patient enough to give it a chance."
Review by Michael E. Ryan, 65%. "Terminus offers flawed but nonetheless decent space combat action ... but its glitches and general lack of polish considerably diminish its overall quality." Also contains patches and player reviews.
Review by Doug Farmer, 75%. "With Terminus, Vicarious Visions has raised the bar of excellence within three simultaneous genres, but couldn't quite glue all the pieces together into a cohesive whole."
Review by Matt Hanyok, 8/10. "Aside from the fact that there are a lot of buttons to remember ... it's a good game."
Linux World
Review by Lee Anderson. "It successfully creates a highly intricate and evolving experience that will engage both casual players and hardcore gamers."
Mac Game News
Review by Brice Unland, 8/10. "With an engrossing story, multiple endings, and a persistent universe it makes Terminus a one of a kind."
Macgamer's Ledge
Review by Christian Franz, 4.5/5. "The graphics are great, the lighting effects even spectacular. The story is gripping - and even without the story line in free mode the game is still immensely gratifying."
Review by Justin Bracken, 60%. "The final product is a conglomerate of ideas that were probably excellent when they first appeared on the design board, but were poorly integrated to the game."
The Adrenaline Vault
Review by Chris Harding, 3.5/5. "The grandiose design loses its power within its own scale, and the mediocre components that make up the overall offering aren't able to expand beyond their own inadequacies."