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JAG's Wing Commander Fiction Archive
Original fan-created AceNet fiction collection and links to other similar sites.
Privateer 2 Fan Page
Tips and tricks, installation instructions, cheats, troubleshooting, forums and other information.
Scrap's Origin Systems Stuff
A fan-site devoted to converting Wing Commander audio files into MP3s.
The Original Wing Commander RPG
A role-playing game based on the Wing Commander series.
The Quadrant Epsilon Project
Project aims to create a sequel to Privateer II.
Wing Commander - The Revival
General news, timeline, encyclopedia, and modding information.
Wing Commander Combat Information Center
General news, polls, links, files and fan art on Wing Commander.
Wing Commander Frontier RPG
An Online RPG based on the WC series.
Wing Commander RPG - The Edge Of Chaos
A group of role-playing games.
Wing Commander: Dire Wolf's Notes
A wish-list for lots of Wing Commander games; also contains walk-throughs/strategies on the games.
Wing Commander: Privateer Portal - TGZ
Information, screenshots, technical help, advice, and downloads on Privateer and Righteous Fire.