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Adrenaline Vault
[2.5/5] Review with screen shots by Bob Mandel. "The Watchmaker deserves major kudos for novelty, for breaking out of a standard mode with innovative cooperative two-player puzzle solving, and for making a single setting utterly absorbing; but clearly the title has some key gaps in execution."
Gamer's Hell
[7/10] Review by Andreas Misund. "This title actually reminded me of the classical detective shows on TV, and the puzzles you need to solve are both challenging and logical."
GameSpot - Review
Review with links to downloads, screenshots and user feedback. [6.9/10] "Still, fans of traditional adventure games will enjoy the puzzles and will likely be able to bear with the awful voice acting and the underdeveloped story."
PIB Review
"This game is great for exploration and for puzzle solving. I'd highly recommend it for any experienced adventurer who is looking for a real challenge."
Quandary Review
"The Watchmaker shows clearly that traditional mouse controlled adventures can work in 3D without sacrificing the inherent gameplay qualities that many of us appreciate." By Gordon Aplin. 3 screenshots.