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Authoring Systems
ADRIFT, Adventure Game Toolkit, ALAN, Eamon, Glulx, Graphic Adventure Creator, Inform, Professional Adventure Writer, Quill, The, TADS
Brass Lantern Interactive Fiction Theory
The theory of adventure game and interactive fiction design, from elements such as puzzles to game analysis.
Choosing a Text Adventure Language
Some handy tips about picking which language to use when writing a text adventure.
Creating Adventure Games On Your Computer
The full book by Tim Hartnell.
Exposition in Interactive Fiction
This document introduces the concept of exposition in interactive fiction, and offers three versions of the same brief interactive fiction text, so that you may experience interactive exposition for yourself.
Company dedicated to distributing feelies for shareware and freeware interactive fiction.
IF Collaborators List
A list of people who are willing to work with others to create Interactive Fiction.
Interactive Fiction and the Future of the Novel
An article by Michael Berlyn and Marc Blank.
Interactive Fiction Page
Information on playing and developing interactive fiction.
NPC Characterization
A guide on how to create believable NPCs.
Covers topics from interactive fiction design to Inform implementation.
The Interactive Fiction Translator's Page
Promotes the translation of interactive fiction games into other languages. FAQ, translated games, want list, and translators.
XYZZYnews: Interview with Michael Kinyon
Interview with a Player Extraordinaire.