english deutsch
Capsule Review by Matthew Murray
"Infocom's first and only attempt at a true horror story succeeds with a vengeance, and Dave Lebling is in his finest form in The Lurking Horror."
Infocom Documentation Project
PDF file of scanned original game manual.
Infocom Games: Lurking Horror
Short introduction and specs.
Infocom Homepage: The Lurking Horror
Description, box art, release information, statistics, and packaging details.
Status Line: Is It GUE Tech or MIT? Dave Lebling E
The author talks about locations in the game based on actual sites at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Status Line: The Lurking Horror and Stationfall
Text of game announcement from Infocom's newsletter.
The Infocom Gallery: The Lurking Horror
High-quality scans of the gray box, manual, and ID card.