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Titles, Amiga Reviews, Hall of Light, MobyGames - Amiga
Cheats and Hints
Abort, Retry, Fail, Active Gamer, AllianceWeb, Big Cheat - PC, Dave and Bob's Cheat Codes, DLH.net, Fun Computer Games for Busy People, GamesExplorer, Gamespot - PC Game Hints, Gamezilla
Programming, Shareware, Titles, DOS Game Zone, DOS Games, DOS Games Archive, DOS Games Online, Old School DOS Games, Sean Dempsey's Awesome Game Page
Developers and Publishers, Game Development, Multiplayer, News and Reviews, Titles, Linux Gamers' FAQ, Loki Installers for Linux Gamers
Cheats and Hints, Developers and Publishers, Downloads, Multiplayer, Programming and Development, Shareware, Titles, Apple Computer - Games, Apple Links - Game Reviews, Black Box: Low-End Mac Portable Gaming, Clan MacGaming, IGN - Mac, Inside Mac Games, Mac Game Database, MacGamer, MacGamer.net, Online Gamers
News and Reviews
GameSpot, Spectator: Reloaded, The Adrenaline Vault, The Computer Show
Titles, Dasse's Nostalgica, MobyGames - ZX Spectrum, Vadim's Coding Corner - ZX Stuff
Developers and Publishers
3D Graphics, Cheats and Hints, Downloads, Fan Pages, Multiplayer, News and Reviews, Titles, FiringSquad, GameFAQs - PC, GameSpy PC, Gamez.com - PC Games, Gem's Games, Tucows Games Software, Voodoo Extreme, World of Free Games