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BBC Games Archive: Ultimate Play the Game
Information about the company and games.
Crash: The Best of British
Interview with Ultimate from Crash, April 1988.
Planet Sinclair: Ultimate
History, softography and articles.
Offers, guides, cheats, previews, and reviews on the company.
Offers interviews, game profiles, news and speculations on the developer.
Rarewitch Project
Focuses on cheats, game analysis and offers an online interactive rare community.
The Dungbeetles Carcass
Unofficial 'Ultimate Play The Game' Tribute Site.
The Many Lives of the Jetman: A Case Study in Vide
Article by Will Brooker that examines the changing meanings and forms of the computer game Jetpac, which was originally released by Ultimate for the ZX Spectrum in 1983.
The Official Rare Web Site
The official developers homepage featuring the pantsboard, game profiles, fan letters, updates and company announcements.
Ultimate Wurlde
Contains articles, game information, maps, and cheats.