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Jet Set Willy Series
Freeware, Jet Set Willy, Jet Set Willy II, Jet Set Willy Remakes Discussion Board
Manic Miner
Freeware, Cheats for Manic Miner, GamersHell - Manic Miner GBA Review, Gamez.com: Manic Miner, jet Visy, Manic Mass Collaboration, Manic Miner (SAM), Manic Miner Technologies, Manic Studios, Your Spectrum 14 - Frontlines, Your Spectrum 8 - Hacking Away and Rumbles
Matthew Smith
Kev Ellis' Interview, Matthew Smith's Lair, Matthew Smith's Lair, Matthew uncaged, Matthew Uncaged, The Miner Designer
Computer and Video Games - He's Back!
"Jester Interactive has purchased the rights to Jet Set Willy with a view to re-working them for the handheld market."
Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Yahoo Webring
Web ring for the Miner Willy series.
Manic Miner/Jet Set Willy
Dr. Andrew Broad's links to all manner of Willy-related sites.
Miner Willy
Includes a brief description and screenshots.
Technical information for the Miner Willy series
Disassemblies and room formats for Manic Miner and both versions of Jet Set Willy.
Yahoo! Groups manicminerandjetsetwilly
Includes a message board and chat.