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Auron, Lulu, Rikku, Yuna, Fayth, Song of Prayer, Welcome to O'aka's!
Cheats and Hints
ABC Al Bhed Converter, Al Bhed Translator, FFX Walkthrough, GameFAQs - Final Fantasy X, IGN
Fan Pages
Allestacia, AllRPG - Final Fantasy X, Emaylic's FFX-2 Fanart Gallery, Eyes On Final Fantasy, FFShrine: Final Fantasy X, FFX, FFX Blitzball, ffxdreams, Final Fantasy Heavens, Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Characters, Reviews and Previews, FFX Lyrics, FFX-2 Dungeon, FFX-2 Online, FFX-2 Unlimited, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy X-2 Source, IGN, Rpg Dreamers Final Fantasy X-2, RPGamer.com, Tidus Lives
Reviews and Previews
AllRPG Final Fantasy X, Cincinnati Enquirer, Contactmusic.com - Final Fantasy X, Game Revolution, GameCritics.com, GamePro, Gamerz Brain, GameSpot, Gamespy.com Review (PS2), Gamezilla
Final Fantasy X
Squaresoft's official site, with character profiles, battle system information, world and features. [Flash required]
Game information and cheats.
Offers game information, news, preview, and review.
Offers previews, cheats, screen shots, links, FAQs and a discussion board.
Wikipedia - Final Fantasy X
Wikipedia's free encyclopedia entry for the tenth installment in the series.