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Magic Knight Rayearth
Game Software Code Creators Club: Magic Knight Ray, GameFAQs: Magic Knight Rayearth, Magic Knight Rayearth, RPG Critic: Magic Knight Rayearth, RPG Dreamers: Magic Knight Rayearth, RPGamer: Magic Knight Rayearth, Voice Chasers: Magic Knight Rayearth, Working Designs: Magic Knight Rayearth
Metal Dungeon
Reviews and Previews, GameFAQs, Open Site, XICAT Interactive
Midkemia Series
Betrayal at Krondor, Betrayal in Antara, Return to Krondor, The Common Room
Might and Magic Series
Might and Magic 1 - Secret of the Inner Sanctum, Might and Magic 2 - Gates to Another World, Might and Magic 3 - The Isles of Terra, Might and Magic 4 and 5 - World of Xeen, Might and Magic 6 - The Mandate of Heaven, Might and Magic 7 - For Blood and Honor, Might and Magic 8 - Day of the Destroyer, Might and Magic 9, Reviews and Previews, Swords of Xeen
GameSpot, Mistmare, RPG Vault
Mordor Series
Decklin's Domain Games, Mordor 1.1, Slimey's Mordor Guide, Working Mordor Homepage