english deutsch
Conversatron 2000 - *band, The Adventures of Mr. @, The Angband Comic
Iso-Angband, Yahoo! Groups - iso-angband
MAngband, The MAngband-d Archives
Modifications and Add-Ons
Angband with SDL, APWBorg, Greg's Random Angband Artifacts, Grundman's Ultimate Sound Collection, The Angband Borg
RISC OS, Darin's Corner of the Web
Reviews and Previews
Christian Spotlight - Angband, Home of the Underdogs - Angband, Just ASCII - Part Seven: The Many Angbands, LGDC - Robert Ruehlmann Interview, MacGamer - Angband, OS/2 e-Zine! - Angband 2.8.3
Sangband, Sangband, Sangband for Dump Trucks, Skill Angband - SAngband
Tales of Middle Earth
Monster and Destination Sketches, Monster Search, Tales of Middle Earth, Theme, ToME Wiki, TomeTik, Yahoo! Groups - PernAngband
Unangband: The Unnamed Angband, Yahoo! Groups - unangband
OS/2 World - Utumno, Tolkien Computer Games - Utumno, XUtumno
Modifications and Add-Ons, Home of the Underdogs - ZangbandTK, Linux Game Tome - Zangband, Pigdog Journal - Keep Your Quake III; I'll Ju, SourceForge - Zangband, Zangband, Zangband, ZangbandTK - Confessions of a Dungeon-Hack
Former project home. Archive of past news, documentation, source, and executables.
Angband and Zangband
LiveJournal community.
Angband FAQ - Part One
Spoiler-free answers to common questions. Regularly posted to Usenet.
Angband FAQ - Part Two
Frequently requested spoilers. Last updated for version 2.8.3.
Angband Links
A collection of links for the game, its variants and the patches available.
Angband Variants Page
Centered around the Amiga, but relevant to other platforms. Includes information about many variants, and includes links to download them.
Angband- and ToME-related Stuff
Patches, utilities, and comprehensive spoilers on skills, spells, and gods.
Offers full-text search of sources, edit and help files, searchable monster and artifact spoilers, jokes, and downloads, for Angband and a selection of variants.
Variant. User's guide, development notes, source, and multi-platform executables.
Anime-themed variant. News, changelog, FAQ, source, and executables for a variety of platforms.
Brian's Angband Crusade
Brief descriptions, and links to downloads, of Angband, ZAngband, KAngband, and RAngband, along with character profiles and histories.
Cat-and-the-Hack Angband
Variant. Comparative overview, changelog, source, and executables for multiple platforms.
Variant influenced by H.P. Lovecraft. Overview, known bug list, source, and executables for a variety of platforms.
Variant influenced by Diablo II. Changelog, spoilers, and source.
Discworld variant. Overview, source, and Windows executable.
Details of the Angband variant with dragon races. Includes an explanation of the game, links to source and binary downloads, and a summary of plans for new features.
Includes source and binary downloads, and version history.
List of differences the variant introduces, news, source and binary downloads, a known bug list, changelog, spoilers, and mailing list.
Variant. News, development history and rationale, source, and executables.
Variant. Screenshot, FAQ, changelog, source, executables, and links.
Variant. Changelog, source, and executables for several platforms.
Variant. Terse feature list, screenshots, and source.
News, source and binary downloads, and development information.
Lisp rewrite. Includes FAQ, technical documents, a to-do list, screenshots, and downloads.
Lumpy Angband
Includes a humorous summary of the game, a statistics program for savefiles, and a program to convert old macros to the new version.
Includes a humour page warning of the effects of playing too much Angband, screenshots, a monsters poll, and character dumps.
Variant adds multiclassed characters. Changelog, spoilers, source, and Windows executable.
Variant. Developer notes, source, and executables.
Variant featuring a full rewrite of the savefile code, a new resists system, separate stat bonuses, object recall, and three new races from Antiband. Includes mailing lists, a list of features, and a changelog.
Variant. Changelog, source, and DOS executable.
Variant. Brings popular ideas back into Vanilla. Changelog, source and executables, and compilation guide.
Variant. Overview, changelog, source, and Amiga executable.
Oangband Development Site
Variant reworks core gameplay. Development history, source, and executables.
Variant. Changelog and source.
Eddings-influenced variant. Source and executables.
Variant. Feature list, known bug list, source, and executables for a variety of platforms.
Steampunk variant. News, development notes, source, and executables.
Tarael's Sillyband Crap-o-Rama
Includes a link to the Sillyband source, a history of the game, and a list of proposed features.
Official site. Information about variants, downloads, screenshots, and development pages.
The Angband Code
Details of a code you can use in your online signature, to display your achievements, preferences, and opinions related to Angband.
The Angband Newbie Guide
Details of how to get started, and how to progress, in the game. Also includes a summary of variants.
The Iron Hells
Isometric variant. News, screenshots, and source.
The Pits of Angband
A history and description of Angband and Zangband. Includes links to the sites of other variants.
The Poet's Unofficial Angband Page
Includes an overview of the game, information for Macintosh players, and a newbie guide.
The Unofficial Angband Glossary
List of game terms and associated definitions.
Variant. Introduces soul capturing to gameplay. Source and Windows executable.