english deutsch
Browser Based
FreeArcade.com - zRogue, Hexatron - Java Rogue, iFiction - zRogue, World of Spectrum - ZZ Spectrum Rogue
Cheats and Hints
How to hax0r Rogue for the Mac, MIT Spoiler Collection, Nine Blessed Scrolls of Information, The Rogue's Vade-Mecum, The Winner's Guide to Rogue
Reviews and Previews
AbandonRom Paradise - Rogue, Blast From the Past - Rogue, ClassicGaming - Rogue, Flashback Abandonware - Rogue, Home of the Underdogs - Epyx Rogue, Home of the Underdogs - Rogue, Just ASCII - Part One: Rogue, larwe.com - Epyx Rogue II, Pocket Press - iRogue, Slashdot - Rogue and Tetris Ported to ... Diablo I
A Brief History of Rogue
Glenn R. Wichman's firsthand account of Rogue's origins and collected remarks from players.
Conversion to first-person, realtime 3D. Summary, FAQ, development journal, and Windows executable.
Windows rewrite. Overview, screenshot, and executable.
core_dump's Rogue Page
Source and executable files for multiple platforms, cheats, screenshots, and resource links.
Epyx Rogue Instruction Manual
Complete reproduction of original documentation for the IBM PC and PCjr.
Epyx Shrine - Rogue
Compares MS-DOS, Atari ST, Amiga, and CoCo versions. Q&A with Glenn R. Wichman, screenshots, and links.
Google Groups - net.games.rogue
Threaded archive of Usenet posts. (Discontinued November 1986)
Google Groups - rec.games.rogue
Threaded archive of Usenet posts. (Discontinued September 1994)
Palm OS synthesis of Rogue 5.3 and URogue. Changelog, tips, source and executable files, and build instructions.
iRogue Tile Set
Adds graphics to version 1.1.1 for both color and grayscale Palms.
KDE port features improved user interface. Changelog, screenshots, guidebook, source and executable files, and related links.
Port of version 5.3-clone to modern UNIX/Linux systems. Source files.
MobyGames - Rogue: The Adventure Game
Production notes, cover art, screenshots, and ad blurbs for Epyx MS-DOS release.
Windows CE port of Rogue 5.3. Screenshots, source and executable files, related links.
Rog-O-Matic - A Belligerent Expert System
Presents features, architecture, and performance relative to human players. (May 16, 1984)
Spoilers, source and executables for multiple platforms, and Rog-O-Matic source.
Rogue - Exploring the Dungeons of Doom
Development history, screenshot, and links to resources.
Rogue Buffer Overflow
Identifies security flaw in save routine and offers an unofficial patch.
Rogue Clone IV
Formerly known as DOS Rogue Clone. Source and executables for DOS and Windows.
Rogue Darwin
Basic port to OS X. Source and executable available.
Rogue for Windows
Recompilation of DOS Rogue 5.3-clone. Overview, executable, and links.
Decrypts and output scorefile for rogue985. Overview and source.
The Dungeons of Doom
Spoilers, original PC Rogue source listings, and related links.
DirectX rewrite for Windows offers graphic interface and sounds. Description, screenshot, and executable.
Tril's Rogue Stuff
Linux patch to rogue985 sources and DOS executable.
CGI-based implementation scripted in Python. Work in progress.
World of Spectrum - Rogue
Coverage of ZX Spectrum version. Executable files, screenshots, and related information.