english deutsch
Reviewed by Uros Jojic, [93/100]. "Call of Duty is action at its finest, but told well enough not to offend those of us looking for a little more meaning and substance in our gaming."
Review by Adam Erker, with screen shots. Score: 9.5 out of 10.
Disc Gamer
Review by Dave Pawlan. Score: 4.5/5
Preview by Kristan Reed with screen shots. "...[U]ndoubtedly a highly polished exercise in WWII combat, and is as entertaining as any scripted, linear FPS should be."
Reviewed by Jakub Wojnarowicz, with screen shots. "It's already a huge hit, and will doubtless see a hundred mods and tens of thousands of players online before it's over." Score: 93 out of 100.
Frictionless Insight
[4.5/5] Review by Kyle Ackerman. "Ultimately, the only disappointment with the single-player campaign is its brevity." Includes screen shots.
Review by Cai Jiahui, with screen shots.
GameGuru Mania
[94%] Review with screen shots. "It's the most atmospheric game I've ever played in this genre..."
Gamer's Hell: Call of Duty Preview
Previewed by Burt Carver. "While not as realistic as some other titles out there, it is sufficiently realistic to make you keep your head hunkered low."
Gamers Europe
Review by Alix Barningham, with screen shots. Score: 9 out of 10.
[5/5] Review of the Windows version by Sal Accardo. "By Sal "Sluggo" Accardo (more about me) ; Oct. 29, 2003 With one amazing mission after another, Infinity Ward's rookie effort outdoes Allied Assault at every turn, making Call of Duty one of the best games of 2003."
GameSpy N-Gage
Review, by Thomas Flint: "The framerate issues and ho-hum AI are just too much of a hurdle for this title to be very enjoyable." [Score: 2 out of 5]
Previewed by Sal Accardo at QuakeCon 2003. Includes screen shots.
GameSpy.com - Preview
By Sal Accardo. "...it will focus on the common soldier rather than one man tasked with single-handedly bringing down the entire Third Reich."
GameZone.com - Call of Duty Preview
"Even in this early build of the game, the AI was surprisingly smart and would do things like jumping in or out of windows or even setting up flanking positions to trap and kill enemies."
Gaming Nexus
[9.3/10] Review by John Yan. "While it's short, it was a very fun experience." Also has screen shots.
Icrontic Games
Review by Andrew St. Denis, with screen shots. Score: 96% and an Editors' Choice.
[9.6/10] Review with screen shots. "down to the details in this title is incredible, from visuals, sound, to how other characters react."
[5/5] Review with list of available weapons. "The explosions are so real looking, like the mortars and the artillery shells landing near you."
Snackbar Games
Review with screen shots. "By all means, if you don't have Call of Duty, get it, this game puts many previous WWII campaign based games to shame."
[90%] Review of the Windows version. "...[B]ests Medal of Honor in just about every way." With screen shots and system requirements.
Review by Jim McHugh, with screen shots.
UGO Preview
By Russell Frushtick. "Apart from the thrilling single-player campaign, Call of Duty will offer plenty of multiplayer options to keep soldiers coming back to the front lines." Includes screen shots.
VideoGame City
Preview by Chad Phillips.
Wicked Toast
Review by Marcin Manek, with screen shots. Score: 4/5