english deutsch
Preview, by Che Chou: "Konami only had two units available for multiplayer, but initial impressions are positive, even while we found the maps way too large for one-on-one deathmatches."
Information and a message board.
Preview, by Brad Shoemaker: "Konami just announced today that Coded Arms will ship with a random level generator, so people who really enjoy the game will be able to play it indefinitely and keep experiencing new maps to kill stuff on."
GameSpy PSP
Preview, by Christian Nutt: "While the game looks great, it's too early to tell if it'll be fun to play."
GameSpy PSP
Preview, by Ryan O'Donnell: "While there's been no confirmation about the inclusion of multiplayer in Coded Arms, it simply seems too important to exclude especially given the PSP's wireless capabilities."
Gaming Media
Preview, by Jarrod Nichol: "If Konami can keep this game looking as good as they have it now and give a genuinely good story with loads of action, the PSP may just end up having a killer FPS on its hands."
Preview, by Nix: "It's still all going to come down to how the control works out and how gamers take to the choices made by the design team, but there's a ton to get interested in about this PSP game."