english deutsch
Adrenaline Vault
[3.5/5] Review by Rob Beschizza. "Impressive visuals join a solid single-player team game and a huge selection of weaponry." Includes screen shots.
[8.8/10] Review of the game including screen shots. "While it remains true to the overall style [of first-person shooters], it adds in enough to make it unique in it's own right."
Review of game by Tom Chick with screenshots. "Let's cut to the chase: Devastation is a horrible game." Score: [39/100]
Gamer's Hell
[7.5/10] Review by Dustin "Malachi" Gardner. "Although short on the replay value, Devastation is a very enjoyable experience and should be tried by all." Includes screen shots.
Offers review, previews, news, patches, movies, cheats and screen shots.
[67/100] Review by David Kocher. "...[A] decent, but flawed, FPS experience." Includes screen shots.
Open Site
Includes information, a feature list, and an overview of reviews.