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Clan Goliath Scorpion, Clan Wolf, St Ives Compact, TFS: The Flaming Sword
Reviews and Previews
ActionTrip: MechCommander 2, Apollo Guide: Mech Commander, Armchair Empire: MechCommander 2, Game Revolution: Mech Commander 2, GamePro.com: Mech Commander 2, GameSpot: MechCommander, GameSpot: MechCommander 2, GameSpot: MechCommander Gold, GameSpy.com: MechCommander 2, Gamezilla: MechCommander 2
Mecc Commandos: Giants CK
Includes downloads and recruitment information.
Mech Lab: MechCommander 2
Includes game information, unit statistics, downloads, reviews, and screenshots.
MechCommander 2
Official site includes features, screenshots, unit information, and downloads.
The Cat's Lair
The Steel Command League Nova Cat faction site.