english deutsch
Aeroplane Heaven
Includes combat and commercial add-on aircraft.
Aircraft, Repaints, Scenery Directory
Directory of add-ons via links to external sources.
Includes planes, panels and scenery downloads for FS98.
Aircraft add-ons. Offers information, screenshots, downloads, and purchase information.
Bertil Nilsson Flightsim Page
Contains downloadable planes.
Add-on flight planner for creating adventures and flight plans. Includes screenshots, downloads, tutorials and support forums.
EagleSoft Development Group
Creators of add-on Cessna and Raytheon business jets.
Flight One Software
Creators of add-on software. Also sells add-ons from many other developers.
Flight Simulator Scenery Creator
Freeware utility for creating scenery. Includes downloads, support forum, tips and screenshots.
Information and downloads for a modular system for connecting external input and output devices.
FS Force
Includes an add-on module which enhances force feedback effects for the series. Also includes feature information.
FS Navigator
Add-on program providing navigational map, flight planner and flight management system. Includes downloads, screenshots and support forum.
FS Repaints by KL 204
Includes plane repaints and scenery downloads.
FS98 Downloads
Includes aircraft downloads for FS98 and 2000.
Utility to list details of installed aircraft. Offers information, screenshots, documentation, and downloads.
Freeware aircraft, sounds, scenery and utilities. Provides information and downloads.
Offers freely downloadable business jet add-ons.
Gary Widup's Flight Simulator Scenery
Provides scenery enhancements. Offers information, screenshots, and downloads.
Passenger jet aircraft add-on. Offers information, screenshots, and ordering information.
Irish Flight Sim Design
Addons, particularly scenery of Ireland. Also includes a related discussion forum.
M.M.Niemi's Planes
Contains planes, links, and panels.
Marc And Ross' Flight Simulator Web Site
Searchable on-line database of add-ons and utilities.
Microsoft Flight Simulator Downloads
Includes aircraft, panels, sounds, airports, scenery, and tools. English and German.
Mirage Aircraft for Flight Simulator
Includes planes, scenery, panels and sound focusing on the Mirage military aircraft.
Includes experimental airplanes and helicopters available for download.
Contains plane, panel and scenery downloads.
Includes repainted planes, panels, sounds, and game utilities.
Spanish Scenery
Includes scenery and navigation charts related to Spain.
Stewart Global Aircraft
Contains freely downloadable passenger jet add-ons.
Includes aircraft, panels, scenery and tools for download. Also offers news, help and discussion forum.
The Norwegian FlightSim Hangar
Contains plane downloads.