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Cyber Gaming Network
Preview by Mark Smedinghoff with screen shots. "Nintendo looks to be pulling out all the stops for this rendition of 1080°."
Includes previews, news, movies, and screen shots.
Review by Justin Lee. "Following SSX 3 is a slippery slope indeed, and this Nintendo-developed title falls a few times on its way to an unfortunately pedestrian showing." Score: 3/5
Preview of the GameCube version by By Andy Eddy. "A lot of fun and shows great promise."
[9/10] Preview with screen shots and gameplay movies.
Review with screen shots. Score: 9/10
Review, with screen shots. Score: 8.6 out of 10.
N-Insanity: 1080 Avalanche
Preview of the game. "Let's just hope that the simple controls, nice graphics, real music from popular artists, and LAN support all pull together for the experience we've hyped it up to be."
Review by Michael Palisano, with screen shots. Grade: C.