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Doshin the Giant
Official site, offering information, box art, tips, screenshots, and movies.
GameFAQs (GameCube)
Strategy guide, codes, reviews, and a message board.
GameSpot (GameCube)
Information, screenshots, movies, hints, previews, and news.
Gamestyle (GameCube)
Review, by Jason Julier: "For those looking for something different, inventive, rewarding and a break from the norm, Doshin The Giant comes highly recommended." [Score: 7 out of 10]
Gaming Target (GameCube)
Review, by Mariadele Arcuri: "Doshin the Giant is quite an unbalanced game that requires patience and curiosity much more than it craves reflexes and coordination." [Score: 7.4 out of 10]
IGN (64DD)
Japanese import review, by Peer Schneider: "...Kyojin no Doshin is a badly executed game with some great ideas." [Score: 6.5 out of 10]
IGN (GameCube)
UK import review, by Ben Cartledge: "Doshin the Giant is a solid game if you can see past the tediousness of repeating the same tasks every day." [Score: 6.8 out of 10]
NTSC-UK (GameCube)
Review, by Bob Compton: "A niche genre has been turned into a game that a wider audience should enjoy, and a lot of players will love..." [Score: 6 out of 10]
Open Site
Includes information, release dates, character details, controls, and a staff list.
Rewired Mind (GameCube)
Review: "Overall feelings of Doshin sway from pure weird brilliance to slow meandering boredom and because of this, the game is actually quite difficult to score." [Score: 7 out of 10]