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414 Armada, Chiken Confederation, Crimson Legion, Dragon Clan, Jedi, Kell Hounds, Ninth Kushani Assault Contingent, Paktu Sjet Armada, Psycho Nyts, Spying Alliance Armada
Reviews and Previews, Homeworld: Cataclysm: Rebirth, Neoseeker's Homeworld: Cataclysm Profile Page, Sierra: Homeworld: Cataclysm
Homeworld 2
Homeworld 2, Homeworld 2 Screenshots, Homeworld2.com
Modifications and Add-ons
Fleet Action: A Wing Commander Tribute, Homeworld Extreme, Homeworld Newbie Forums, Karos Graveyard, Mods.RelicNews.Com, Star Trek: Fleet Academy, Star Trek: Homeworld, Turanic Raiders Mod
Reviews and Previews
Armchair Empire: Homeworld 2, AVault, GameOver, GameSpot, Gamespot, GameSpy.com: Homeworld 2, IGN - Homeworld, Speedy 3D, StrategyPlanet, WomenGamers
Gamespot Guide
Walkthrough of singleplayer missions and some multiplayer strategies.
Homeworld Datalus Center
Offers screenshots and concept art.
Homeworld Screenshot Archive
Huge collection of HW, HW:C and MOD screenshots and medamanx's personal map archive.
Homeworld Universe
Includes strategies, editing, fiction, screenshots, and forums.
Official site includes storyline and concepts, news, downloads, screen savers, themes, concept art, screen shots, sounds, movies, utilities, and technical support.
Homeworld: The Search For Hiigara
Simple designed standard featured site with saved games, cheats and command line options listing.