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Reviews and Previews
Age of Kings Heaven Preview, Computer Games Online, Gamespot Preview, IGN, IGN: Sigma Interview, StrategyPlanet
2 Clan
Provides downloads, screenshots, and a member list.
Reviewed by Marc Saltzman, [3.5/5]. "The "Island of Dr. Moreau" concept is imaginative, but its execution--especially when it comes to combat--is not."
Down Right Deadly Clan
Has tips and screenshots.
Gamers Hell
Preview by Sob. "A refreshing new idea to the worn out RTS genre".
Gamers Hell
Reviewed by Andreas Misund Berntsen, [7.9/10]. "In every sense of the word a solid game."
Reviewed by Greg Kasavin, [7.9/10]. "Impossible Creatures is certainly enjoyable and interesting, and it's worthwhile for the campaign alone."
Reviewed by Scott Osborne, [72/100]. "After Homeworld's greatness, Impossible Creatures can't help but feel like something of a letdown."
Reviewed by Tha Wiz, [8.5/10]. "A surprisingly solid RTS game which shows off what it can do against the Warcrafts or Age of Empires titles out there."
Offers hints and tips.
Impossible Creatures Center
News site covering iCreatures, includes forums and exclusive screenshots.
Impossible Creatures Official Site
Microsoft's official Impossible Creatures site.
Impossible Creatures Preview
Preview by Ali A. "The well-balanced gameplay, the great graphics and the whole idea of making units to suite your needs is what the whole game is about, and it is done well."
The Adrenaline Vault
Reviewed by Richard Leader, [2.5/5]. "Great production values aren't enough to raise Impossible Creatures from being a mediocre exercise in button pushing."
The Impossible Menagerie
A modification project to create new animals.