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Reviews and Previews
Apollo, Games Domain, GameSpot: Duels of the Planeswalkers, GameSpot: Review: Magic: The Gathering, GameSpot: Spells Of The Ancients, Gamezilla: Duels of the Planeswalkers, IGN: PC Retroview, The Adrenaline Vault, The Adrenaline Vault: Spells of the Ancients, The Magic Chest
GameSpot's Magic the Gathering Guide
Strategy guide to deck building and dueling in the land of Shandalar, by Shane Mooney.
Meeting place for players. Offers a getting started guide, an FAQ, chatroom and forum, and history.
Rook Entertainment
The latest Apprentice32 updates and the home of Genesis Proxy and Chaos Adrift.
The Weatherlight
Offers decks, combos, and strategies.
Twin Blades
Contains game information and tips.