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GameFAQs Reviews
A compilation of reviews by users.
GameSpot Review
Rated 8.0/10 by Tal Blevins. "Chron X's brilliant simplicity makes it one of the best online games today, card-based or otherwise. The designers and artists at Genetic Anomalies combine stunning artwork with an intriguing storyline and incredible gameplay." Reader reviews, 5 screenshots.
GameZone.com Review
Rated 6.3/10 by John Dickinson. "If you like trading card games, then perhaps this will be to your liking."
Science Fiction Weekly Review
"Genetic Anomalies has created a smart meld of card and computer game that has great artwork, is easy to learn, and has a variety of possible strategies." By Brooks Peck.
Strategy Plus Review
Rated 4/5 by Tom Chick. "It's a good strategy game that skirts the widespread problem of poor AI: it plugs you into a growing community in excess of 1500 players, each with their owns decks and strategies"
Strategy Plus Review of Chron X Expansions
Rated 4/5 by David Ryan Hunt. "Aside from beefing up the regular card base, the expansions offer several new deck strategies."
Trading Card Game Takes Net by Storm. Get in on th
Pick of the day by Vince Broady for ZDNet Anchordesk.