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Game Revolution
Reviewed by Dr. Moo, score: C-. "Look, this game is a nightmare to grade. I've tried to be fair, but I can't help but knock off a couple notches because of the brutal lack of effort and obvious shortcuts."
Reviewed by Gerald Villoria, score: 6.6/10. " Overall, [the game] has a few surprises and some significant flaws. While die-hard strategy fans and extreme fans of the Heroes series on the PC might get a kick out of this one, it's really a rental at best."
Reviewed by The Badger, score 7/10. "Dragon Bone Staff might please or disappoint even the hard-core devotee as likely as it would turn on or turn off a newcomer. Give it a rent and see if you want to make this newest quest your own."
Reviewed by Doug Perry. "As long as you know that you?re getting a slightly dumbed-down, sped-up version of the PC game, with a few less monsters and less resources to manage -- but you like turn-based battles with Dungeons and Dragons-style monsters -- you will like the PS2 version of Heroes of Might and Magic."
PSX Nation
Reviewed by J.M. Vargas, score 4/10. "If you love this series on PC then stick to it there because the essence of what makes "Heroes of Might & Magic" is just hinted at on PS2."