english deutsch
Action Trip
Review by Ranko Trifkovic. Includes screen shots. Score: 80 out of 100.
BD Gamer
Review by Rajiv Ashrafi. Includes screen shots. Score: 8.6 out of 10.
Review, with screen shots. Score: 86%.
Frictionless Insight
Review by Kyle Ackerman, with screen shots and system requirements. Score: 4 out of 5.
Preview by James Long. Includes screen shots and reader comments.
GameGuru Mania
Review with screen shots, system requirements, and reader comments. Score: 85%.
Gamer's Hell
Preview by Kurt Knudsen, with screen shots. "Overall I must say this game is definitely Game of the Year material."
Review by Greg Kasavin. Includes screen shots, news, and reader ratings. Score: 8.2 out of 10.
Preview by Allen Rausch, with screen shots and movies.
Review by Michael Lafferty, with screen shots. Score: 8 out of 10.
RPG Vault
Reviewed by Derek Forrester. Includes screen shots.
Review, with screen shots. Score: 8 out of 10.