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ACA Teddys' Rule, Adult Children Anonymous - Inner Peace Group, Adult Children of Alcholics, Adult Children of Alcoholic and Other Dysfunctiona, Adult Children Of Alcoholics, Adult Children of Alcoholics Resources, Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service, Adult Children of Alcoholics: A Personal Story, Dr. Janet Woititz's ACOA Resources, Jump Start: Recovery in the Fast Lane
Canada, Chats and Forums, History, India, Japan, Singapore, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States, Al-Anon Alateen, Al-Anon Alateen Worldwide, Al-Anon Meetings - Face to Face, Al-Anon, Alateen, and ACOA, Alateen, Cooperation Between Al-Anon and AA, English speaking Al-anon and Alateen in the Nether, Information for Professionals, Online Al-Anon Information Service, Relationship Between A.A. and Al-Anon
Alcoholics Anonymous
Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Central America, Directories, Europe, History, ICYPAA, North America, Oceania
Chats and Forums
A.A. Internet Meetings, AA Clubhouse Chat Room, AA History Lovers, AA History Room, AA Lamps on IRC, AA Online, AA Recovery Coffee House, AA Webmasters Forum, aalivingcyber, AAoutreach
A Parenting Perspective - Children of Alcoholics
Ways to reduce the risk that the child of an alcoholic will be become an alcoholic.
This site contains articles and news of interest to recovering alcoholics.
Alcoholics Victorious
AV is a growing network of Twelve Step groups that approach recovery from a Christian perspective. People who recognize Jesus Christ as their Higher Power gather to share their experience, strength, and hope.
Alcoholism Recovery Resources
A page of links to AA and Al-Anon resources. Includes chats, newsgroups, recovery software, gifts, and drunk humor.
Children of Alcoholics Foundation
COAF is a national non-profit that provides a range of educational materials and services to help professionals, children, and adults break the cycle of parental substance abuse.
Edmonton Sober Club Applies for Liquor License to
The city wouldn't allow an exception to smoking laws. A liquor license may let sober members smoke in an alcohol free environment.
Getting Them Sober
Free videos and free reports, for recovering persons and health professionals; ongoing discussion bulletin board for support and to post seminars, job openings in health; free email newsletter.
"Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically-dependent-persons, and Significant-others" offers writings about Judaism and recovery. Includes a list of groups.
Matt Talbot Retreats
A group of recovering alcoholics who find Matt Talbot spiritual retreats have helped them to practice the steps and achieve a greater degree of serenity and joy.
Overcomers Outreach
OO is a bridge between the traditional 12-Step programs and the church. Christian based.
Overcomers Recovery Support
Their program offers twelve-step recovery education and Biblical counseling.
The Ark Foundation
Provides help for alcoholics within the catering industry and aims to increase the awareness of the extremely serious nature of alcoholism.
What is JACS?
Brief statements about what JACS is and is not. This organization is known as Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically dependant persons, and Significant others.
Women For Sobriety
WFS is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women overcome alcoholism and other addictions.