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ACP Observer Nov 96
American College of Physicians (ACP) message to its chapters: help end smoking where you live.
Acupuncture to Stop Smoking
Review of published scientific studies on use of acupuncture to stop smoking.
AHCPR Smoking Cessation Clinical Practice Guidelin
ASAM and Nicotine
Scientific analysis and policy recommendations on tobacco products, from the American Society for Addiction Medicine
Dental Cessation Program Responsibilities
Responsibilities and tasks for different health professionals in a dental office, including dentist, dental hygienist, dental assistance, receptionist, in a tobacco use program.
Effectiveness of Interventions to Help People Stop
Evaluates different methods and gives recommendations.
An independent consortium of leaders in the treatment of tobacco dependence whose mission is to lower barriers to broader utilization of cessation therapy through education and advocacy; materials for patients, health professionals, and employers.
Helping Smokers Quit: Ask, Advise, Assist
A guide for primary care clinicians.
Is Bupropion an Effective Treatment for Smoking Ce
Slide presentation: smoking and what it's costing Americans; pharmacology of buproprion; review of the literature; cessation results, safety and adverse effects; other medications; NRT; cost; recommendations for clinical practice; bibliography.
Lecture Outlines from Tobacco Topics in Dentistry
Lectures given to dental students. Prevalence and the systemic and local effects of smoking and spit tobacco use; smoking as a cause of periodontal diseases; effects of tobacco use on dental treatment results; nicotine addiction; stages of change; clinical interventions; use of nicotine and non-nicotine pharmacologic therapy; tobacco industry influence; role of oral health care providers in policy and media advocacy.
NCI Protocol for a Dental Office
Tobacco use cessation protocol for dental offices from NCI.
Nursing Center for Tobacco Intervention
Educates nurses in delivery of tobacco cessation interventions.
Occupational Therapy and Smoking Prevention and Ce
NYU Department of Occupational Therapy materials.
Oral Cancer, Tobacco Use Prevention and Cessation
Poster session from health conference; abstracts included.
Postgraduate Medicine: Nicotine Dependence symposi
Three papers from a medical symposium. Prevention is the ultimate "penicillin" for lung cancer; cessation is still the best medicine. Drug therapy to aid in cessation -- tips on maximizing patient's chances for success. Counselling patients to quit: what to say, when to say it.
Reducing Tobacco Use: The Quest to Quit
Ouelines current approaches and policy recommendations for helping smokers quit.
Smoke-Free Families: Interventions to Stop Smoking
How to help pregnant patients quit smoking.
Smoking Cessation and Pregnancy.
Slides from college lecture outline prevalence, strategies for cessation, effects on fetus and infant health, screening guidelines.
Smoking Cessation Approaches and Options
Presentation-ready slides on smoking, myths and facts, model for quitting, findings and recommendations, evaluation of cessation aids, tips for helping patients quit, smoking cessation methods.
Smoking Cessation: Clinical Guide
Guidelines developed by AHCPR and CDC to assist clinicians, cessation specialists, and health care administrators, insurers, and purchasers in delvering effective smoking cessation interventions. These recommendations were made as a result of an exhaustive and systematic review and analysis of the scientific literature.
Stopping Smoking
Review of scientific literature on smoking costs, quitting methods.
Strategies for Smoking Cessation
Online course for physicians from the American College of Chest Physicians; covers impact of tobacco dependence, treatment, relapse prevention, and special populations of tobacco users.
The UK National Smoking Cessation Conference
For healthcare professionals and specialists looking to treat smokers more effectively.
Tobacco Addiction Treatment Poster Session
Papers presented at recent health conference on interventions, survey results, evaluation, strategies for success.
Tobacco Cessation Guideline
Materials available to professionals and consumers.
Tobacco-Cessation Patient Counseling
Practice policy statement from the American College of Preventive Medicine. Covers: burden of suffering, description of preventive measures, evidence of effectiveness of preventive measures, public policy considerations, recommendations for other health care groups, rationale for physician counseling, and recommendations.
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence -- A Systems A
A guide for health care administrators, insurers, managed care organizations, and purchasers. Describes the essentials for supporting tobacco cessation throughout organizations.
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: Quick Referen
Surgeon General provides clinicians with key findings on process, products, and stages of quitting.
Why Be Involved / Barriers
Why oral health care professionals should be involved in tobacco cessation; major barriers to becoming involved.