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A World Hooked on Smoking
Some articles on the effects on self and others.
Arizona Smokers' Helpline
One-stop resource for information to help you quit tobacco.
Break Free from Cigarettes
Series of articles to help smokers decide to quit, and to be mentally prepared for it.
Cognitive Quitting
Based on the premise that, beyond the addiction, smoking is a habit driven by unconscious behaviors, and if those behaviors are changed, a lasting quit can be achieved.
Fight the Good Fight - Quit Smoking Now!
Author Michael E. Reilly offers advice on quitting smoking. The site's information is based on knowledge gathered in online support groups during Michael's fight against the addiction.
Freedom From Smoking Online
The American Lung Association's popular smoking cessation program is now available free online.
Healthtouch - Quit Smoking Articles
Reprints of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) pamphlets.
How I Quit Smoking
A smoker who quit passes along his advice.
Hypnosis Stop Smoking
Hypnosis tapes you download. No effectiveness claim made.
Is Someone You Know Trying to Quit?
Guidelines and consumer guide for quitting smoking from the Nursing Center for Tobacco Intervention.
Joel's Quit Smoking Library
Joel Spitzer, who has taught smoking cessation for 30 years, makes his almost 100 article library of stop smoking clinic articles available to all smokers.
Let It Pass
Essays and graphics, often humorous or thought-provoking, on smoking and quitting aim at changing the way you think about cigarettes and help you to get rid of tobacco from your life.
Never Smoke Again
A web-based method of quitting smoking using "your own willpower". Disclaims any effectiveness.
New York State Smokers Quitsite
Offers a free quit kit.
Nicotine Doohickeys
Quit smoking book takes a humorous approach to smokers and quitting cigarettes, written by Bill Howard, anti smoking advocate and tobacco reduction expert.
Quit Smoking
American Association of Respiratory Care offers tips and suggestions.
Quit Smoking Cigarettes
Personal story: "my 27 year battle with tobacco addiction", plus lots of links.
Quit Smoking Journals
Subscription-based online diary site devoted to helping people quit smoking and maintain their quit.
Quitting Smoking: Common Errors
Some ineffective ways of trying to quit.
Presents a unique way of looking at the addiction to nicotine and a fresh approach to overcoming that addiction.
Smoking Quitbook
Motivational materials, four step quit process, tips on confronting cravings, coping with setbacks, and being successful.
In English, French, and German. University-based quit information center. Online pamphlets loaded with advice on: considering quitting; plannign to quit; preparing for the day; staying smoke-free; dealing with relapse. Also online questionairre, and access to help from experts.
The Quit Book
Australian health offers a complete online book, covering deciding to quit, getting ready to quit, quitting, staying smokefree, and coping with setbacks.
The Stop Smoking Center
A free personalized Smoking Cessation program that includes interactive tools and a professionally moderated quit smoking support group.
The Worldwide Armor Of God Stop Smoking Home Page
A free, Gospel-based method to assist people interested in quitting smoking and nicotine addiction.
What are the most effective ways to stop cigarette
Self-help article. Goes through the different factors that keep people smoking, and gives tips on how to deal with each one.
Who Me . . . Stop Smoking Again?
Self-help article. Tips on attitude and on where to seek help.
You Can Control Your Weight As You Quit Smoking
Pamphlet with tips on avoiding weight gain and quitting.
You Can Quit Smoking
Different methods for quitting; facts about smoking, quitting, and gaining weight; how to avoid relapse; questions to think about.