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A Brief Note Regarding Campa Medical Practices
Describes the author's experiences with Campa Indian remedies in the Amazon River Basin.
Alternative Cancer Treatment
A treatment center in Thailand specializing in the use of natural healing methods and herbs to treat cancer.
American Indian Traditional Medicine in Treating C
Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona at Beth Israel's Center for Health and Healing presents research on how Native American traditional practices can integrate with traditional medicine to treat chronic illness. Includes comparison and demographic charts.
Ancient Aztec Herbal Remedies
Index offers plant description, properties and method of use.
Ascending Enterprises - Old Fashioned Remedies
By Lois Lenz, Medicine Woman. Offers solutions for a variety of everyday health problems.
Cultural Diversity, Alternative Medicine, & Fo
Treatise prepared by a Penn State College of Medicine professor on the importance of recognizing cultural diversity of health beliefs and practices.
Culturally Diverse Childrearing Practices: Abusiv
Discusses non-traditional discipline and healing practices of various cultures as related to perceived abuse or neglect. Includes references.
Curanderismo: Folk Healing in the Southwest
Radio documentary describing traditional healing with herbs, aromas, massage and rituals. Requires Real Player.
Customary Uses of Ironweed by the Yuchi
Article by J. B. Jackson describing the use of Vernonia fasciculta by the Yuchi in Eastern Oklahoma, USA.
Folk Belief and Folk Medicine
An overview of folk medicine and its types, elements, and origins.
Folk Healing, Alternative, and Parallel Medicines
Treatise by Dr. Ian Carr, Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba about the development of folk healing and its parallels in Chinese and Indic cultures.
Folk Medicine
Plant drawings, common ailments and remedies by a Newfoundland fifth-grade class.
Folk Medicine
Referenced article by a home healthcare nurse from West Virginia about the history of folk medicine and practices still in use.
Folk Medicine - Bordering the Future
Brief commentary on folk healing in the Texas border regions.
Folk Medicine in Hispanics in the Southwestern Uni
Treatise prepared by a Baylor College of Medicine assistant professor outlining some Hispanic folkloric beliefs and the importance of considering such beliefs during standard medical treatment.
Folk Medicine, Amish and Swiss-Pennsylvania German
Canadian Mennonite Encyclopedia article describing 18th and 19th century remedies and the proliferation of folk healing among Amish and Mennonite cultures.
Folk Medicine: UCLA Folklore Archive Resource
Includes searchable database by keyword, usage, condition, belief, date, region or ethnicity of origin.
By the Ministry of Culture, Republic of Turkey. Outlines the role of traditional medicine and its interaction with modern practices. Includes list of common remedies. Available in English, Turkish, German and Russian.
Handbook of Texas Online: Folk Medicine
Referenced article describing beliefs and practices among the Anglo, Mexican and Black cultures in Texas.
Healing Hands
National Park Service article describing the traditional folk medicine in use near the Big Bend Region along the Texas-Mexico border.
Health 911 - Folk Remedies
Alphabetical listing of ailments, their causes and cures.
Herpes Relief
Describes home remedies for relief from the symptoms of herpes naturally, from a fellow sufferer.
Home Remedies and Holistic Cures
A guide to home remedies and holistic cures for common illnesses and ailments.
Honey for the Treatment of Infections
Discusses the history of honey's medicinal use, recent research and antibiotic and antifungal properties.
India Parenting: Home Remedies
Cures for common childhood ailments and link to information about traditional Indian Ayurvedic medicine.
Indian Child: Home Remedies
Provides home remedies for common ailments.
International Home Remedies
An archive composed by students from around the world.
International Home Remedy Secrets
Traditional treatments for ailments ranging from acne to vomiting.
Lithuanian Folk Medicine
Includes sections describing the concept of health and illness, determination of illness, doctors and cures.
Medicine Women
Writer Carolina Carlessi discusses growing up in Peru's culture of folk medicine and faith healing and how it affected her perception of modern medicine.
Midwives and Maternity Care in the Roman World
Comparisons between folk treatment and professional midwifery in Greco-Roman society, primarily based upon the writings of Pliny and Soranus. Includes references.
Music As Folk Medicine
Describes the therapeutic use of music in holistic healing.
My Home Remedies
A forum where readers can submit their own home remedies as well as rate and comment on others' submissions.
Ozarkian and Haitian Folk Medicine
Monograph with references describing the similarities between folkloric beliefs in Haiti and mid-western America.
Pascalite, Inc.
Discusses history and benefits of pascalite clay and provides a method to order pascalite.
Pediatric Oncall - Home-Made Remedies
Indian traditional treatments for common childhood ailments.
Philippine Alternative Medicine
A study of various alternative medicines in the Philippines.
Herb drying, storage and preparation descriptions and alphabetical list of tips for easing common complaints.
Russian Folk Medicine
Traditional treatments for ailments ranging from cancer to upset stomach.
RussianFoods.com - Folk Medicine
Includes suggestions for colds, constipation, toothache, insomnia, headache and breakdown as well as links to the full Russian cooking archive.
Safe Natural Cures - More Than Home Remedies
Suggests remedies for common problems such as stuffy noses, yeast infections, athlete's foot and hiccups.
Skin Cancer Treatment Alternative Using Topical Pa
Describes home remedy using a popular contact lens cleaning solution mixed with aloe vera gel.
Some Common Medicinal and Poisonous Plants Used in
Treatise by Amare Getahun, professor at Addis Abeba University, Ethiopia. Includes introduction to Ethiopian medical lore, glossary and description of plants and their uses.
Some Folk Remedies Did Work
Archived article from the Medford Mail Tribune column Over the Back Fence, by Hank Henry. Describes remedies remembered from childhood and the blending of folk and conventional medicine.
Spirit Medicine
Native American uses of Common Everlasting (Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium) in Eastern North America; article by J. B. Jackson [PDF].
State Department of Health Warns About Dangerous M
Public service announcement warning about the toxicity of azarcón and greta, remedies containing high amounts of lead.
The Folk Medicine Forum
Discusses alternative and complementary medicine. Includes chat room, message board and newsletter.
The Vinegar Website
Folk uses, medicinal qualities, home remedies, history, and beauty and household uses of vinegar.
Toenail Fungus Remedies
Lists several easy and inexpensive ways to get rid of toenail fungus.
Traditional Health, Medicine and Healing
Describes the practices of the Alaska Native people and their applicability today. Includes reports, articles and resources.
Traditional Medicine
World Health Organization fact sheet outlining the place of traditional healing practices in modern society.
Traditions in Western Herbal Medicine
Introduction and description of several traditions that have contributed toward medicinal resources in North America. Includes references.
Archived article from the east Texas weekly newspaper column All Things Historical. Describes remedies the author experienced in childhood and lists cures for warts.
Wind Spirit Teachings
Outlines Native American belief that wellness is the complete integration of mind, body and spirit. Includes information about desert walks, personal wellness plans and workshops.