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Clinical Trials
Animal Cancer Institute - Trials, Auburn University Veterinary Oncology Clinical Tri, Clinical Studies - Purdue Comparative Oncology Pro, Clinical Trials - Gulf Coast Veterinary Oncology, Colorado State University Veterinary Oncology Clin, Heska Corporation Cancer Clinical Trials, LSU Veterinary Oncology Clinical Trials, N.C. State - Oncology - Clinical Studies, Perseus Foundation Clinical Trials Database, University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Oncology Cli
Cornell University Comparative Cancer Program
Outlines the cancer research program goals for the Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine.
Morris Animal Foundation: Current Research Studies
A list of the studies currently funded by the Morris Animal Foundation.
The Dog Genome Project
The Dog Genome Project is a study involving the University of California, Berkeley, the University of Oregon, and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. It is aimed at producing a map of all the chromosomes in dogs.
The Greyhound Project, Inc.: Cancer Research
Website for the Greyhound Cancer Fund, a fund supporting research into greyhound cancer sponsored by The Greyhound Project
Vaccine Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force - Stu
Currently funded research studies sponsored by the Vaccine Associated Feline Sarcoma Task Force.
Winn Feline Foundation 2003 Grant Awards
A list of current research studies funded by the Winn Feline Foundation, some of which are cancer-related studies.