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Cancer in Dogs
Reviews the incidence of common cancers in males and females. Statistics, epidemiological analysis and recommendations.
Canine Cancer Awareness
Providing owners with valuable information and resources when dealing with canine cancer. Relies on contributions to assist dog owners with cancer treatments they would otherwise not afford.
For Jezebel
Personal account of a bitch with lymphosarcoma, plus a list of resources for owners.
Kate Koogler Canine Cancer Fund
Invites contributions for bone cancer research in large breed dogs. Details of activities and the story of a bitch with osteosarcoma.
Max's Bout with Cancer
Personal account of the diagnosis and treatment of a chondrosarcoma. Veterinary notes from the surgical operation and photographs taken in subsequent months.
Robin's Canine Cancer Files
Offers information and support for owners. Includes personal accounts, discussion on treatment options and links to other resources.
The Bosco Page: Osteosarcoma
Personal perspective on the disease and treatment, including the use of transdermal pain relief. Discussion about euthanasia and deciding on timing.