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A Mother Questions Brit Milla
by Nelly Karsenty published in Humanistic Judaism, Summer 1988. Extensive article includes support and information for Jewish parents regarding alternative (non-cutting) bris ceremonies.
Being Rational About Circumcision and Jewish Obser
by Moshe Rothenberg
Circumcision - The Worldwide News
Circumcision was an essential part of religious practice for the nation of Israel. Is circumcision a required practice for Christians today? This paper examines the biblical evidence and explores the validity of arguments concerning old covenant customs.
Circumcision and Christianity
Biblical references for circumcision from AlternaMoms.com.
Circumcision and the Christian Parent
by Rosemary Romberg
Circumcision Choices for Jewish Parents
by Julia Bertschinger, C.C.E., Midwifery Today, 1991
Circumcision for Religious Reasons
Jewish views.
Circumcision: A Jewish Feminist Perspective
Circumcision is at the heart of gender imbalance in Judaism. For a male Jew, it is a critical mark of identity, an assumed rite of passage, secular or sacred, into the peoplehood and/or faith of Judaism. For a Jewish woman, it may have the same meaning until she is pregnant, with the possibility of bearing a son. It is then that a woman's deepest instincts may arise trembling out of her culturally anesthetized stupor to whisper or plead, "Please, let it be a girl."
Circumcision: A Source of Jewish Pain
by Ron Goldman
Cultural and Religious Documents on Circumcision
CIRP Reference Library
Cultural and Religious Issues of Circumcision
CIRP Circumcision Information Pages - Articles from multiple religious viewpoints.
Jewish Issues - Male Circumcision
From Fathermag.com, covers alternative bris; support groups for intact babies; as well as other Jewish issues and responses
Muslims Against the Circumcision of Boys and Girls
Presents a Muslim viewpoint.
Paul's Answer To Circumcision
A Brief Survey of the Book of Galatians by Deborah Cox - 1996
Religion and Circumcision
Articles from the perspectives of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
The Holy Bible, Circumcision, False Prophets, and
by George Hill - This file compiles New Testament scripture about the act of circumcision, false prophets, and Christian parenting.
Why Christians No Longer Circumcise
Midwife Archives - [scroll down to near bottom of page]