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Antibiotics and Ear Infections
Should parents seek antibiotics to treat ear infections among their kids? NPR's Joe Palca reports, many doctors now say the routine use of antibiotics is a mistake. Listen to this report using RealAudio.
DrGreene.com - Ear Infections
How to detect an ear infection in your child and answers to other frequently asked questions.
Ear Infection
Conventional, herbal, and homeopathic treatments.
Ear Infections - Doctor's Guide
The latest medical news and information for patients or friends/parents of patients diagnosed with Ear infections and Earinfection-related disorders.
Ear Infections and Children
The American Academy of Pediatrics has developed this information to inform parents about the symptoms, treatments, and possible complications of acute otitis media.
Earaches: A Painful Problem for Many Children
A brochure presented by AAFP with information including how the ear works, what causes the pain, why are they so common, and the symptoms of an infection.
Mayo Clinic: Ears and Hearing
Information on identifying and treating ear infections in children.
Middle Ear Infection
Easy to understand information for patients on middle ear infection (otitis media). Written by a UK general practitioner.
New Vaccine Could Mean Fewer Childhood Ear Infecti
While the vaccine does not protect against all ear infections, studies show it reduced the occurrence of infections.
NIDCD Health Information: Otitis Media
Information, diagrams, signs and symptoms, and treatment for Otitis Media.
Outer Ear Infection
Accessible information for patients on otitis externa, a painful infection of the outer ear canal.
PDR's Getting Well Network: Otitis Media
Information, risk factors, symptoms, prevention and treatment plus links to related articles.
Questions and Answers about Otitis Media
Relates Otitis Media to problems with hearing and language development in children.
Traditional Chinese Medicine And Ear Infection
Describes in detail how TCM practitioners in China solve ear infection with traditional Chinese strategies and herbs.