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Ask Dr. Mike
Dr. Mike is a pediatrician who is board certified in both general pediatrics as well as pediatric critical care. He answers questions from families, children, and professionals.
Ask The Pediatrician
Dr. Bob Kandell (a board certified pediatrician) offers free common-sense pediatric advice live via a toll-free number.
Charak Clinics
Discusses common problems such as asthma, constipation, jaundice, and developmental milestones. Includes a message board and photographs.
Child Health Online
Resource for childcare health consultants, providers, professional organizations, educational and medical facilities, and parents. Health and safety information for young children, birth through age 8.
Dr. Greene's House Calls
Provides thorough answers to pediatric questions. Topics include bed-wetting, ear infections, eating/nutrition, potty training, and sleeping.
Dr. Knapp
Practical pediatric advice and ask questions by email.
Dr. Mo Knows
Articles, question and answer, live chat, online newsletter and more help parents learn about their kid's developmental needs.
Dr. Paul's Child Health and Wellness Informat
Provides child health and wellness information from birth through adolesence in a variety of media.
Mehta Childcare
Information on pediatric disease, child health and parenting concerns, by a specialist pediatrician from India.
Developed for parents by pediatric nurses, this free website is updated daily with kids health news, illness assessment, children's medical and safety tips, internet resources, and professional advice.
Site devoted to promotion of health and safety for children.