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AAIA: Milk Allergy: The Facts
Overview, comparison with lactose intolerance, and milk protein-based food ingredients.
About.com: Milk Allergy
Symptoms, avoidance, alternatives, and articles about casein and calcium.
Auckland Allergy Clinic: Cows Milk Allergy
Includes prevalence, prognosis, allergens, crossreactivity, and available infant formulas.
Calgary Allergy Network: Milk Allergy
Overview, treatments, diet, food labeling, and products to avoid.
Cow's Milk is for Baby Cows
A forum for individuals living dairy-free. Also a dairy-free webring.
Eating Without Casein
Milk-free menus, guides to ingredients, advice on hospitals and restaurants, the milk-safe kitchen, links to resources.
Internet Symposium on Food Allergens: Cow's M
Abstract of a CMA data collection, including prevalences of CMA, diagnostic and therapeutic features, and molecular biological and allergenic properties of the allergens. [Paid registration.]
LabSpec: Milk Allergens
Allergens available for IgE antibody measurement, use in food production, symptions, and crossreactivity.
Lactose Intolerance versus Milk Allergy
How to distinguish the two, including a chart.
Milk Allergy and Lactose Intolerance
Includes food labelling, milk and lactose free foods available in Australia, recipes, personal account of a milk-allergic child, and links.
Milk Allergy Print-out
Succinct information on reading product labels, foods to avoid and those that are safe, cooking substitutions, and resources.
Milkfree Kids
Support group for families. Includes forums, recipes, articles, and FAQ.
No Cow's Milk for Me Thanks
Covers dairy allergies and lactose intolerance, including news, allergy testing, symptoms, calcium, UK sources of safe products, message board, medical search engines, and links.
SHS International: New Clinical Insights Into Cow
Presentations from a 1998 symposium, including changing patterns in CMA, its relationship to gastroesophageal reflux disease, and treatment.
The World's Healthiest Foods: I think I am a
Comparison of allergy to intolerance, dairy-based reactions to soy and meat products, contaminants in cow's milk, and an elimination diet to test for dairy food reactions.