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American Heart Association
Gives complete details on the cholesterol numbers and what they should be.
Ask the Dietitian
Question and answer format about cholesterol and saturated fat.
Concise fact sheet explaining the causes, symptoms and treatment of cholesterol. Available for down loading in Adobe acrobat format.
Eat Fat, Be Healthy
Information about genetically-caused heart disease due to small-particle LDL syndrome. Includes questions and answers, book excerpt and cardiac risk quiz.
Fish Oils and Cholesterol/Triglycerides
Summaries of research concerning fish oils and serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Focus on Cholesterol
List of resources for patients experiencing elevated cholesterol levels. Explanation of its role in heart disease.
For Your Health - High Cholesterol Risks
High cholesterol, lipids, lipoproteins, LDL HDL, triglycerides, and metabolic syndrome. Offers answers as to what it all means, and how to treat it.
Good News in Cholesterol
Offers information on how to maintain healthy cholesterol levels. With cholesterol calculation tools and healthy recipes, users learn how lead a healthy lifestyle vital in the prevention of heart disease and stroke.
How Stuff Works
Doctor-written seven-part description of cholesterol and how to avoid its health problems.
Inch Aweigh: Lowering Your Cholesterol - The Foods
A cholesterol-lowering guide that explains what to eat, what to avoid and why.
InteliHealth: Cholesterol
Includes basic information, treatment options, and an ask-the-expert section. Reviewed by Harvard Medical School.
Learn why blood cholesterol matters and how to choose foods to lower your levels.
Lipid Clinic
For the public and healthcare professionals to learn about the evaluation and treatment of high cholesterol and lipid abnormalities.
Living with Cholesterol: AHA
Information for understanding the facts and reducing your risk factor of heart disease and stroke. Recipes available.
Lowering Cholesterol Naturally
Independent information about safely lowering cholesterol levels through diet and supplements, including causes and symptoms of high cholesterol, and cholesterol medications and their side effects on your health.
Mamas Health
Provides information about Cholesterol. What it is and how to control it.
In four sections: Informs as to why blood cholesterol matters, guidelines for heart healthy living, cholesterol in children and fats and foods tables.
Find out how to lower your cholesterol level through diet or medication.
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
In-depth look at cholesterol and why it matters, heart disease, benefits from lowering, having it checked, diet, exercise, weight and many more topics are discussed.
Rose Medical Center - High Cholesterol
An article about cholesterol, discussing the interpretation of the numbers, good and bad cholesterol as well as how to fight it when it is high.
Ruchi Health.com: Cholesterol
Learn about its sources, its effects, and its roles in the body. Also know about how soya helps to check high cholesterol.
The Cholesterol Myths
Review of this issue, written by an independent researcher, Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD.
The Healthy Refrigerator
Nutritional advice and information to reduce risk of heart problems or manage heart conditions. Recipes, foods suggestions, facts about heart disease.
THINCS - The International Network Of Cholesterol
An association of scientists, science writers, physicians, and other academically trained individuals who are skeptical to the cholesterol hypothesis.
US Food and Drug Administration
Information regarding keeping cholesterol under control. An article by John Henkel.
VAP Cholesterol Test - Atherotech
Information about the Vertical Auto Profile cholesterol test, which identifies twice as many people at risk than the traditional test, including those with inherited risk factors.
Veritas Medicine
Clinical trial listings for high cholesterol. Perform a personalized search to find ongoing clinical trials that match your needs.
WebMDHealth: Cholesterol Management Health Center
Consumer health site for cholesterol, written and reviewed by doctors.
What Doctors Don't Tell You
Information about cholesterol test kits and how they are being kept off the market by the medical establishment.
When to Start Cholesterol-Lowering Therapy in Pati
A statement for health care professionals from the American Heart Association task force on risk reduction.