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Defeating Deafness: Otosclerosis Factsheet
Offers a profile of the condition and discusses possible causes and treatment alternatives.
Discovery Health: Otosclerosis
Mark Loury, MD presents an illustrated guide to the disorder written for laymen. Features information on prevention, causes and risks of the condition.
Ear Problems - Oosclerosis
Article provides background details, information on risk factors, diagnostic and treatment methods and self-care after surgery.
Emory Healthcare: Otosclerosis
Michelle Badash provides a brief definition of the condition and discusses causes and risk factors. Features information on diagnostics, treatment and prevention.
Healthopedia.com - Otosclerosis (Otospongiosis)
Article offers an overview of the condition with information on causes, risk factors, symptoms, testing and treatment alternatives. Features photos.
House Clinic - Otosclerosis
Article details background information on the condition and provides a description of drug and surgery treatment options.
Lions Ear and Hearing Institute - Otosclerosis
Features a description of the condition that contrasts normal ear functioning with hearing loss caused by the disease. Also find information on treatment options.
MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Otosclerosis
Illustrated guide features symptoms, alternative names, causes, incidence, and risk factors.
MEEI: Otosclerosis
The Massachusetts Ear and Eye Infirmary provides an illustrated guide to the condition and discusses surgical treatment options and information about success rates.
MEI: Otosclerosis Patient Brochure
Information on the disorder and treatment provided by the Michigan Ear Institute. Includes a discussion of the cochlear and stapedia forms of the disease.
A description of this disorder and a discussion on its progression. Symptoms are discussed and hearings aids as well as surgery.
A description of this common cause of hearing loss in adults. A discussion of how people are affected, hearing loss progression and the causes.
Article provided by the Deafness Research Foundation presents a definition of the disorder with information on treatment and research. Find links to related sites.
Jeffrey P. Harris provides an illustrated guide to the condition that includes symptoms and diagnostic information.
Bobby R. Alford describes epidemiologic considerations and the etiology of the disease. Offers information on audiometry, treatment options and includes references cited.
Discover information on the causes and treatment of the disease provided by the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery of Columbia University. Features information on stapedectomy and on how taking oral sodium fluoride can stabilize hearing loss in some patients.
An article provided by the Department of Otolaryngology Health-Related Library at the University of Minnesota. Find background information on the condition, hearing aids and stapedectomy
Christiane Ribeiro Anias profiles the condition and offers information on the course and prognosis of treatment regimes.
Find a definition of the disease that includes information on the fenestral and retrofenestra of the disorder. Features photo gallery.
Rachel Waits offers a history of the condition and information on prevention and treatment. Includes a discussion of the physical, emotional, and psychological distress caused by the disease.
Doctors Timothy C. Hain and Alan Micco provide background information on the causes and treatment of the condition. Features illustrations and references cited.
Offers a brief description of the disorder, symptoms and treatment options provided by About.com. Find links to articles and related resources.
Otosclerosis (Otospongiosis)
Outline written by Jeffrey D. Wolfrey summarizes information on genetics, incidence rates in the US, and causes. Includes references cited.
Otosclerosis and Stapedectomy
Directory features annotated links describing the disease and treatment.
Otosclerosis Patient/Family Resources
Directory hosted by the University of Alabama features links to diagnostic and treatment resources. In English and Spanish.
Otosclerosis: Hear-it
Offers a brief description of the disorder as it relates to progressive deafness in young adults.
Otosclerosis: NIDCD Health Information
The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) offers a profile of the disease, symptoms, and treatment options. Features links to related sites.
Understanding Otosclerosis
Provides an overview of the disorder and offers information on treatment regimes and possible post operative complications.
What You Should Know About Otosclerosis
Fact sheet provided by the American Academy of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Includes information on what should be expected after a stapedectomy.