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Addison and Cushing International Federation
Platform of the world-wide co-operating support groups on Addison's disease, Cushing syndrome and related adrenal and pituitary disorders.
Addison's Disease
A discussion about this disease, its symptoms and long term management, by Vanderbilt Medical Center.
Addison's Disease
In depth information including description, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, tests and treatments.
Addison's Disease Information and Support For
Communicate with other's who have Addison's and learn about this disease.
Addison's Disease Network
AD described simply; symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, addison's crisis and its management, history of the disease, and 'send us your story'.
Addison's Disease Self Help Group
UK support group offering news, information, and support for people diagnosed with Addison's Disease (or adrenal insufficiency).
Addison's Disease: The Facts You Need To Kno
An article by Paul Margulies, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.E. about this disease, what it is, the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment as well as some other topics discussed.
Addison's Diseases: The Facts
A look at what this disease is, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. A discussion about related diseases and how it is to live with this disease.
Addisons Disease
Yahoo group; Open to anyone interested in making friends, sharing information and providing support for persons affected by this disease.
Addison`s Disease - Charles Douglas Wehner
Illustrated archive of books by Addison and others. Essential for accurate diagnosis. Case histories of 186 people with symptoms as today - with no steroid addicts because there were no steroids.
Family Practice Notebook: Addison's Disease
Tells what the disease is, symptoms, signs, diagnosis and treatment.
General Practice Notebook - Addison's disease
Clinically-oriented information.
National Adrenal Diseases Foundation
Non-profit organization dedicated to providing support, information and education to individuals having Addison's disease as well as other diseases of the adrenal glands.
New Zealand Addison's Network (NZAN)
Support network which includes goals, membership benefits, newsletters, and how to join NZAN.
The Australian Addison's Disease Association
Up to date information for the medical profession and patients alike. Support for patients.
The Canadian Addison Society
Canadian site which offers support and information to Addisonian's and their families.
Underactive Adrenal Glands / Addison's Diseas
Explanation of this disease, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment.