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Colour Blindness: Causes and Effects
book for sale.
Coping With Color-Blindness
"Sound Helpful Information for those who must deal with inherited or acquired color vision confusion" , by Rosenthal & Phillips from Amazon.com. 4 reviews, 4.5 stars avg. (617.759 ROS, at my local library)
Human Color Vision, 2nd Ed
from the Optical Society of America (OSA). $85 for non-members.
Job-Hunting for the So-Called Handicapped or Peopl
Markets paperback by Bolles (author of the extremely popular job-hunting book, What Color is Your Parachute?)
Normal and Defective Colour Vision
Book for sale: 456pp, 4 color plates. Eds Mollon, Pokorny, and Knoblauch, (62.5 pounds)