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Adam's LCHAD Page
Online journal detailing the life of a boy with LCHAD which is a Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorder. Includes general information details about research studies.
Fatty Oxidation Disorders
Informational site provides details on newborn screening, on numerous diseases, medical information and support resources such as a newsletter and email List.
Health Care Professionals' Guide to Newborn S
General information on fatty acid oxidation.
Support site for families affected by Long-Chain 3 Hydroxyacyl CoA Dehydrogense (LCHAD). Includes profiles of people with LCHAD and general information about the disorder.
THCME Medical Biochemistry Page: Fatty Acid Oxidat
An introduction, mobilization of fat stores, oxidation reactions, alternative oxidation pathways, regulation of fatty acid metabolism, clinical aspects of fatty acid metabolism, ketogenesis, regulation of ketogenesis, and clinical significance of ketogenesis.
The CaF Directory
A description of fatty acid oxidation disorders and further resources.