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Cystocele and Pelvic Floor Tone, Cystocele Hub, Folsom Obstetrics & Gynecology Medical Group, MCW Health Link: Fallen Bladder, Methodist Health Care System, National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information , University of Maryland Medicine: Urological Disord, ViaHealth Disease and Wellness Information
About Overactive Bladder, About Stress Incontinence, AFUD Urinary Incontinence, American Foundation for Urologic Disease, Athena Women's Medical Group, Bladder Control Treatments, Bladder Leakage and Incontinence, Bladder Woes Become Bedroom Foes, Canadian Continence Foundation, Clinical Investigations in Female Urinary Incontin
Interstitial Cystitis
About.com Interstitial Cystitis, Ask Dr Stoll: Interstitial Cystitis, Bladder Infection Association, Bladder Pain, Canadian IC Resource Center, Citrus Valley Interstitial Cystitis Support Group, Cystitis Research Center, Digital Urology Journal, Health4Her - Cystitis, HealthLink MCW
Neurogenic Bladder
Frankford Hospitals - Neurogenic Bladder, MCW HealthLink, Methodist Health Care System, Neurogenic Bladder, REBEC, The Merck Manual
Chronic Papillomatous Dermatitis, Coloplast Ltd: Urinary Stomas in Children, Internal Pouches, Urinary System, Urostomies, Wessex Urology Support Group
Vesicoureteral Reflux
Children's Hospital in Iowa, Children's Hospital, Boston: Patient Care, Digital Urology Journal:, Pediatric Oncall: VUR, Projectlinks Database: Vesicoureteral Reflux Hub, RadiologyInfo - Pediatric Voiding Cystourethrogram, Report of the Management of Primary Vesicoureteral, University of Michigan Health System, Vesicoureteral Reflux
Bladder Disorders
An overview of bladder problems, including infections, cancer, atonic bladder, interstitial cystitis, overactive bladder (OAB), and prolapse.
Daily Bladder Diary
For print out on a printer, a form for patients to note liquid intake, trips to the bathroom, urine leaks, and other details that may help explain incontinence.
eMedicine Health - Cystoscopy
Consumer health resource center providing information on uses, risks, and benefits of the use of a scope (cystoscope) to examine the bladder.
eMedicine Health - Foley Catheter
Consumer health resource center providing information on the uses, risks, and benefits of this procedure in which a sterile tube is inserted into your bladder to drain urine.
Health4Her - Atonic Bladder
Brief information, including the causes, risk factors, life style changes and supplements.
Inability to Urinate
Consumer health resource center providing information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of this urinary disorder in which you cannot empty your bladder completely. From eMedince Health.
Your Body's Design for Bladder Control
From the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse, an article with images to help understand how the whole system works.
Your Medicines and Bladder Control
An article from NIDDK with some useful tips.