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Associated Urologists
Information, anatomy, causes, evaluation, intravenous pyelogram, cystoscopy, other tests, and follow-up for hematuria.
Chinese American Health Issues: Hematuria
An article on what blood in the urine may mean. Tips on when to seek advice.
Digital Urology Journal
A look at hematuria, the evaluation, causes and treatment.
eMedicine Health - Blood in the Urine
Consumer health resource center providing information on causes, implications, and treatment for hematuria.
Pediatric Oncall
Patient information for blood in urine in children, its causes and treatment.
Radiology Info: Intravenous Pyelogram
Information for patients about IVP radiography. Learn what patients might experience, how to prepare for the procedure and benefits versus risks.
The National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Informat
A report giving a definition, causes, diagnosis and treatment of hemuturia.
Urology Channel
A look at the types of hematuria, symptoms, causes, classification, diagnosis, analysis and tests.